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Seeking Joy in Everyday Life

The past year and a half have been stressful for all of us at UVA Health, and it's been hard at times to stay positive with all that's going on in the world and our community. That's why I genuinely believe it's never been more important to find ways to seek and live a joyful life.

To explain what I mean, I share with you this latest video from Veronica Brill, our Interim Chief Nursing Officer, to our nursing team. Her words and advice really resonated with me, and I know they will resonate with you as well.

I'm thrilled that — when we welcome Kathy Baker as our new Chief Nursing Officer next week — Veronica will transition to serve as our new Associate Chief Nursing Officer. Veronica has demonstrated incredible devotion to our patients and unwavering leadership to our UVA teams both before and during COVID-19, and I'm truly grateful for her partnership. I know Kathy and Veronica will make an exceptional leadership team. To learn more about our new nursing leaders, read this press release.

Take care and be well!


Welcome, and thank you for joining me today for our monthly CNO Corner. I'm Veronica Brill, your Interim Chief Nursing Officer.

This week marks the beginning of fall, and we have already started to see and experience the hallmark signs of this new season in our everyday life. The crisp air in the morning when you step outside. The stars in the evening sky are clear and easier to see without the hazy, humid atmosphere. Pumpkin lattes and fall spices are all around us, too.

Living in the moment to experience and recognize the comforts we all enjoy is important, especially as we're living through this latest surge in COVID cases within our community. But how do we live a joyful life right now with all that's going on in the world?

I want to share five things with you that have helped me stay positive over the last year and a half. And I would love to hear from you and others as to what works for you.

First, I allow myself to worry, but only for a minute or two. Then I forced myself to move on and find a way forward. You all have helped me to do just this with your engagement and creativity, and problem-solving skills. You give me no choice but to be hopeful. And to be inspired. Thank you for that.

Second, I take an hour a day to do something that makes me feel good. Right now, that's running or doing Pilates in the mornings.

Third, I shut work off at certain times every day to enjoy my family. A story is coming out soon about our beloved Betty Phillips, who has been a nurse at UVA for over 50 years. She will be offering tips she has learned over the years. But one that I have to share now is the importance of saying goodbye to UVA at the end of your shift. I hope, like Betty, you all feel you have permission to do the same and understand the importance of doing so.

Fourth, I smile a lot, even under my mask.

And lastly, I don't wait for anyone big thing to make me happy. I seek out the little things every day to celebrate. This week, I'm celebrating a 40% reduction in inpatient falls. I'm celebrating the arrival of our new Nova StatStrip Glucometers. I'm celebrating a pilot of a proning team in our ICU. I'm celebrating zero hospital-acquired pressure injuries within the past month on our inpatient units.

Later this week, we're kicking off our Leading with Heart workgroup with our letter leaders. That's another thing I'm celebrating. If you have volunteered as a letter participant or a project leader, stay tuned for that kickoff meeting. Coming out of these kickoffs, we will have an understanding of how each letter group sees their work evolving and materializing. We all have so much to gain from the leading with heart initiative. And I greatly appreciate your trust in me and in each other as we move forward together.

Thank you all so much for your dedication to UVA Health, for engaging in our leading with hard work, and for seeking joy in your everyday life.
