In the spirit of Halloween and sharing treats, I've recently made several informal visits to units around the Medical Center in the evenings with a snack cart in tow, all stacked to the brim with fruit, nuts, and sweets. It's been inspiring to meet and talk with so many of you, our frontline team members, along the way. Moments like these are so valuable — and not just because we all can use a pick-me-up every now and then. They're valuable because of what we all learn from one another and how that can help advance our organization.
I genuinely believe that bi-directional, transparent communication — especially through real conversation — helps us meet challenges head-on and uncover the opportunities that will continue to drive UVA Health to new heights. Many of the innovations in care and community outreach that have come out of UVA Health during the pandemic, for example, have come directly from our frontline team members who asked, "How can we do this better?" That same grassroots support and innovation is also driving our ongoing work to enhance our team member recruitment, retention, and recognition.
So thank you for attending last month's series of "Be Heard: Ask Me Anything Q&A Forums." Easy-to-navigate speed watcher's guides are available if you missed any of the three and all the valuable discussions about compensation, vaccine requirements, HR policies, staffing plans, and retention efforts. We plan to continue hosting these forums to keep our teams well informed, and I hope you'll continue asking thoughtful questions to help guide our work.
Also, if you would, please consider taking a break and joining me for one of my upcoming "Coffee with Colleagues" sessions. These are informal opportunities to pause, breathe, and share whatever you'd like. Upcoming events are scheduled for November at Fontaine Research Park and December at the Medical Center. Sign up for a slot here. More dates will be announced in the new year.
Or better yet, if you see me around the Medical Center, say hello and tell me what's on your mind. I can't promise I'll always have a cart of treats, but I do promise you'll always have my ear.
Take care and be well!