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Thank You for Caring for Our Patients, Snow or Shine

Last week, as I saw our incredible team rise to the occasion during challenging winter weather conditions, I was reminded of a powerful reflection shared by Dr. Tracey Hoke during our October Medical Center Management Group (MCMG) meeting. In her closing remarks, Dr. Hoke recounted a personal story from her medical school days in the mid-1990s, highlighting the unique and vital nature of our work in healthcare.

In the midst of a severe storm in inner-city Baltimore, where power lines and transportation were disrupted, hospitals remained operational. Dr. Hoke's professor, despite walking miles through the snow, arrived at the hospital disheveled but on time. In that moment, he seized the opportunity to impart a valuable lesson on the significance of our profession – one that goes beyond typical business standards.

He emphasized that working in healthcare means more than just showing up; it means being there for patients in their most vulnerable moments. Whether it's the joy of a new life entering the world or the sorrow of losing a loved one, the surgeries, or the life-altering cancer diagnoses – our work holds deep meaning. His message was clear: recognize the uniqueness of our profession, maintain high standards, show up, and be dedicated to the well-being of our patients.

Last week, you exemplified this spirit at UVA Health. Thank you to the Facilities teams, Emergency Management Team, Weather Assessment Team, Administrator on Call, Ambulatory Team, Web Development, Marketing and Communications Team, Hospitality and Support Services Team, and everyone who played a role in our preparedness and response. The availability of the new UVA Health Operations Status Board was especially appreciated! Thank you to the care and support team members who stayed at our patients' bedsides. Thank you to everyone who showed up last week. Your actions, whether commuting through the snow or staying on-site to ensure around-the-clock care, made a difference for our patients.

Our jobs in healthcare are vital to the health and hope of our community, and I am grateful to each of you who recognizes the importance of our work and chooses to show up for our patients, snow or shine.

I hope you'll find inspiration in Dr. Hoke's story and continue your dedication and commitment to excellence in serving others. Your work makes a meaningful impact, and I am proud to lead and be a part of such an extraordinary team.

Take care and be well,
