As we await the results of the Magnet® site visit, take pride in our incredible work and the amazing culture we’ve built together.
Author: Michaela Kramer
Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing something truly special—an art exhibit that reminded me of why what we do goes beyond medicine.
Learn more about our ECHO Team and what our patients have to say!
Get a first glance at last week's ASPIRE Day photos at the University Medical Center.
How UVA Health Cancer Center's Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) team is addressing cancer disparities through a special partnership
I wanted to share a roundup of some of my favorite photos from our six medical center events with you this week.
"I think there’s a human right to live a decent life, to have a home in which to sleep at night, to be free of preventable diseases, to have some hope that the future will be better than the past." - Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States
If improving your personal fitness has made your list of New Year’s resolutions, I’m excited to share a new resource to help you succeed.
You have made so many remarkable accomplishments possible this year. Thanks to you, we...
Our Volunteer Services team is working hard to bring holiday cheer to our patients, young and old.